-Day a Mass for the intention of the fallen soldiers of the AK, will begin tomorrow at. 12 St. Mary's Basilica dedicated to the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the death of Major Zygmunt Szendzielarz "Lupaszka", the legendary commander of the 5th Vilnius Brigade Army.
motivation for Tuesday's lecture, Dr. hab. Peter Niwinski's History Department, UG (1955 St Veit Stoss, a room at 1.46. 17.00), is the 60th anniversary of the death of four prominent Army officers in Vilnius and post-war anti-military conspiracy: Lt. Col. Anthony Olechnowicz "Pohorockiego" Maj. Zygmunt Szendzielarz "Łupaszkę, see Lucian Minkiewicz" Victor "and Lt. Henry Borowski" bumblebee. " All of them were executed on Feb. 8, 1951 year in prison Mokotow in Warsaw, after a show trial preceded by a cruel interrogation conducted by the communist secret police. Of the convicted Vilnius residents, has gained the greatest fame "Łupaszko" Vilnius Brigade Commander V AK (called the Brigade of Death), and acting in 1946 on the Gdańsk Pomerania.
Throughout its operations, branches V of the Vilnius Brigade AK performed more than 230 shares, with the majority of the territory Tuchola Forest. In the region of Gdansk in 1946 eliminated the 39 people, including 18 officers of the police. The rest of the UB informers, police officers and soldiers who were killed in battles with the various squads. Those shares, almost paralyzed the Communist authorities in these areas, despite its nearly 100-fold numerical advantage.
I also recommend a short film Fri Pomerania in tribute Łupaszce, see below:
Marie A. Roman
[Fig. Archive]
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