Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Dell Latitude D610 Internal Hard Error

genesis of "Solidarity"

33 years ago, 29 April 1978 in Gdansk, was appointed the Founding Committee of Free Trade Unions of the Coast. This initiative is referred to the FTU created 21 February 1978 year to Silesia, but This, however, activists Danzig FTU directing a big uprising by workers in August 1980 and led to the emergence of the Solidarity Trade Union.
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Joanna Duda-Gwiazda MKZ in the bulletin of Solidarity in 1981 writes: "On the eve of May 1, 1978, the Andrzej Gwiazda - Eng. Elektronik from Elmoru, Anthony Sokolowski - welder fired from the Gdansk shipyard in 1976 and Krzysztof Wyszkowski - carpenter employed by the Cooperative Housing, "Housing for Young People, signed a declaration setting up the Founding Committee Free Trade Unions of the Coast. "

"Society has to fight for the right to democratically manage their own country. (...) Bearing in mind the tragic experiences of December 1970, based on the expectations of many social groups and communities of the Coast, Silesian take the initiative of developing free trade unions. Today, on the eve of May 1, holidays for over 80 years, symbolizing the struggle for workers' rights, we refer the Founding Committee of Free Trade Unions of the Coast. The purpose of Free Trade Unions is an organization defending the interests of economic, legal and humanitarian workers. Unions declare their support and care for all workers without distinction of creed or qualifications " - we read in the founding declaration of the FTU.

historians who deal with issues of democratic opposition agree that the FTU was the source of the events of December 1970, on the Coast . - The idea of \u200b\u200bthe FTU is not born in Warsaw, only during Dec '70th knew that all changes must be made with the participation of workers - Krzysztof Wyszkowski stresses.

The breach in the system

Unions operate independently of the socialist state. Soon, in addition to structures acting in Silesia and the coast, formed in October of the FTU in Szczecin. Unfortunately, the authorities failed to pacify in the embryo similar initiatives in Walbrzych, Gmiechowie, Lodz, Krakow, Radom, and Czestochowa. SB dezintegrowała and with special insight penetrated free trade, which stood up for the rights of workers and citizens, challenged in a special way at the basis of justice system history. Overlooking the coast bulletin Fri "Worker Coast", it is said:

"The People's Republic there are powerful unions uniting millions of workers, with their own press, funds, premises. Still, every few years, the workers took to the streets and violently dopominają up for their rights, exposing themselves to attacks by militia and the subsequent repression. Even large groups of workers in the event of a conflict with the administration is powerless and alone. The situation of a single worker is hurt or deceived even more difficult.

(...) We do not set the policy goals, not impose our members, collaborators and sympathizers of certain political views and ideology, do not seek to take power. However, we realize that it can not avoid the accusation of political activity. Range of issues, which with us are treated as political affairs is the very wide and covers almost everything except for trips to pick mushrooms.

(...) Our business is legitimate and lawful. Everyone has the natural right of defense, justice and the dignity of life - the Constitution guarantees us and the international communist conventions and agreements relating to human and civil rights. Trade union activity is under special legal protection ".

as: Why have assumed the FTU?, "Worker Coast, No. 1, August 1, 1978, p. 1
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formula and the concept of business across boundaries, will assist the workers caused particular concern among the communist authorities, not only in Poland but also in Moscow. Renowned historian Slawomir Cenckiewicz, including in his article Fri "Gęgacze and the meek, "published last year in the weekly EXPRESS, quotes Peter Kostikowa, in the years 1964-1980 Head of Communications Polish sector of the fraternal parties Socialist Countries Central Committee, who in his memoirs he wrote, among others:

" Z Note, for example, already noted in (April) 1978 years the creation of the Founding Committee of Free Trade Unions. We learned later that independent newspapers are distributed, that security has made arrests. We are very scared. More than we know in advance of the Workers Defense Committee and may the noble premise, but the isolated action of the young and elderly intellectual circles among the workers in Radom, Ursus and other towns affected by the repression after June 1976. Reports on the activities of the security of our Kuron, Adam Michnik, Modzelewski and did not Moczulski stronger impression, though spowszedniały (...).

only news about the Free Trade Unions alarmed by our bosses. (...) Our chefs have formulated such a hypothesis: this movement is dangerous, has the same name - free trade unions or workers' defense committees - They are dynamite. Traffic is dangerous, because it goes back to the beginning of the century, the roots of social revolution. This incredible thesis formulated with us still in the 70s Hid her fear ... revolution. Not stop at theory, for internal purposes of the Soviet Union went to intensify repression command, observation, prosecuting forces taking action against the Soviet state. We have no one thought about free trade, but already deployed outposts.

would not be without a Gdansk Solidarity FTU

Activities FTU in the period 1978-1980 focused on defending the rights of workers and trade union organizations and celebrations December'70 issue of the independent press. FTU spent seven issues of "The Worker Coast" and about ten leaflets, including the release entitled "The facility, then distributed to the villages, Kashubian. It was written in them about everyday matters. Standing were the subject of labor rights and trade union. On the pages of The Worker Coastal approximated the content of the International Labour Organisation conventions, and reported an repressions against the opposition activists.

When the communist authorities announced 1 July 1980 increase in food prices triggered a wave of strikes. Directorates plants started firing, "Indomitable". On August 7th 1980, fired them at the Gdansk shipyard. Lenin Anna Walentynowicz, activist FTU. few days later at a meeting of the Founding Committee of Free Trade Unions Bogdan Borusewicz suggested calling a strike in Tri-yards. Scrimmage strike in the Gdansk shipyards, 14 August 1980 made by members of the FTU - Jerzy Borowczak, Bogdan Felski and Louis Prądzyński. Gdynia shipyard strike in them. Paris Commune, organized another activist FTU - Andrew Wheeler and it was during his first day working in the yard. Soon trade union strike committee was headed by another member of the FTU, Lech Walesa.

therefore meet the basic objective, which imposed the Unions of the Coast, came to wait only two years when, in August 1980, trade union strike committee forced the authorities to agree to the establishment of independent trade unions. This was undoubted merit of Gdansk FTU activists who played a decisive role in the work of the Solidarity movement.

Marie A. Roman

Read also:

Slawomir Cenckiewicz, "Gęgacze and Silent", see here .

Anthony J. J. Wręga, "Transparency matters secret, see here.

[ On the pictures: Making wreaths at the gate of the Gdansk Shipyard No. 2 to them. Lenin, organized by the FTU, on 16 December 1979; first issue of The Worker Coast "of August 1, 1978].

Monday, April 25, 2011

Third Birthday Poem Invite

dawn lies on the border of my day there

sublime, wonderful

was revealed to me like a huge goblet blessing

and I feel the song sounded like

and scatters flowers around her scent

where the sight of prowling around all sorts of visions and dreams

love your wind

in its melody is the hope and joy rises over me

like a moment breathes fresh newborn

and at the same time, each of them brings something different

Saturday, April 23, 2011

What Do You Put On A Fashion Show Invitation

The Resurrection of the Lord of Golgotha \u200b\u200b

Easter mystery of the Resurrection Church tries to make the language of symbols. Three great symbols of the Easter liturgy dominate: light, water and the "new song" - Hallelujah. Those who wait on the night of Easter in a dark church on Easter light, must embrace the consolation that God knows that black night. In the middle of the already lit their light : "Lumen Christi" - "Deo Gratias."
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night only teaches us what it means light. It is the clarity, warmth, life, is a vision of the future, eschatological feast of light, it is a premonition of a wedding table with God. Do you sit down with him to the table? Is my glass of olive oil is enough, I joined the wedding procession of the Divine Spouse?

second element is the water that somehow weds a light by triple immersion in the Easter Candle. Water symbolizes the earth's riches. Easter night telling us that there is a source of all sources of water above the earth, the source of the most wonderful, the source of the pierced side of Jesus. At the time of baptism is the source of fluid from the Cross of Christ as a mighty river of grace by the whole Church, and "City of God, rejoice" (Ps. 45, 5).

third element is the "new song" - Hallelujah. Hallelujah is simply a joy that sings itself, joy, and wishing to express what words can not express. Hallelujah - that the third element of the symbolic drama of the liturgy of Easter - it's basically the same man in which lies this strange inability to sing and rejoice in the man but with such a prospect! Is it really in this day of the Resurrection can not for once forget about all that poor and small, to this huge, wonderful opportunity to our future, a chance given to us today. in a mysterious inherent in man?

(Cardinal Reflections. Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, from 1979.)

Let us rejoice because the Lord is risen!
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May the Risen Christ, the conqueror of death
Dispelling any doubts and worries
Let raise in us faith and hope
And boundless confidence
Let Him fill us with true peace

Blessed Easter!

To celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ makes all the heartfelt wishes of the abundance of divine graces and the deepening sense of the presence of the Risen Lord in our lives.

Dominus sit in cordibus Vestris!


Mariusz A. Roman of the Family

At this holy time, we also recommend Message of Easter (Latin Exultet) see below:

[Fig. Archive Author]

How To Make Wooden Stands For Dartboards

Happy Easter

To celebrate Easter we wish you all everything that is beautiful i. .. successful pictures:)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dental Hygienist Thank You Letters

Volevo dirti che Ti amo

picture is clear:)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Geico Premium Accident


special place during Lent and especially Holy Week, is Calvary Wejherowska - one of the most beautiful Polish Passion sanctuaries. Since 2008, staging a Misternicy Kashubian Palm Sunday entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, and from 2002 - Mystery of the Passion on Good Friday.
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Wejherowo "The Mystery of the Passion of Christ" is a combination of religious ceremonies with a theatrical staging. Lasts two hours and details the last hours of Christ's life. Show is directed by Wojciech Rybakowski, he composed the music for Cezary Paciorek, and the inspired New Testament considerations wrote Thomas Pohl. Mystery of the spiritual care of the curator holds the Calvary, organization supervises the staging Wejherowo Cultural Center.
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actors - despite the amateur status, failed to give this high mystery of spiritual and artistic values. Great impression on the audience has a particularly time adjudication of Jesus to the cross and the scene of his death. Passions are issued annually since 2002. and always collects a few thousand faithful. Mystery starts at the chapel of the Palace of Pilate. It takes about two hours.
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This year, the mystery will be issued twice. First performance took place on Palm Sunday (April 17, 2011), and another will be held on Good Friday (22 April 2011) at. 10.00.

Here I present short films from the first staging of this year Wejherowo Mystery of the Passion, see below:

( MAR)

[Fig. M. Roman]

Monday, April 18, 2011

Optimist Sailboat For Sale Nc


like those big eyes:) You can really all

Patton Heater Poh2501

Theatre TVP: "Chernobyl. Four Days in April "

exactly the 25th anniversary of the nuclear reactor disaster in Chernobyl, scene of Theatre Facts Television will present a performance today, telling about the first days after explosion When rumors replace the lack of official information (about the crash first, then by its size), and the health and lives for the communist authorities weighed less than a good relationship with fellow superpower. Staging the "Chernobyl. Four days in April, will be issued on Monday, April 18, hours. 22.05 in the TVP first

Year 1986. The night of the 25th on April 26. In the power plant at Chernobyl in Ukraine, several dozen kilometers from Kiev, there is an explosion of a nuclear reactor. The world learns about it from the Soviet official press, but by measuring devices, installed in various parts of Europe, over which the radioactive cloud passed.

show includes the first four days after the disaster. In Poland, the Communist authorities face a dilemma: what to do? How to behave in a crisis situation that - on the one hand - to prevent the possible, the tragic consequences of radioactive contamination, on the other - do not expose yourself to Moscow.

authors show the situation from several perspectives. Professor Jaworowski from the Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection in Warsaw (Zbigniew Zamachowski), trying to persuade politicians to issue a message to the nation with the instructions of conduct in the face of air and water pollution, order of administration of Lugol's iodine to children and appeal the May 1 marches. Doctors and wards of a metropolitan Child Health Center, the team riders under coach Szurkowskiego (Marek Wlodarczyk), forced to go to Kiev, where they take part in the initiation of the prestigious Peace Race for the authorities and the Moscow branch of the PAP correspondent who, instead of a catastrophe, they must inform preparations for the upcoming celebration of the working people.

Chernobyl Case is for authors to submit an example of the human tragedy resulting from lack of access to reliable, truthful information. It appeared shortly after the crash, it's not the same explosion, but the lack of information and open an immediate response of endangered countries, influenced the fate of thousands of people. The more that the reality turned up its own context in the form of the recent crash of a nuclear reactor in Fukuszimie.

Recall Fact scene appeared in the Television Theatre in the early 60's and it was constantly present to the beginning 90s. After several years break, the first to implement this type of presentation decided in 2007, Ryszard Bugajski, writer and director of "The Death of Captain Pilackiego." And how far each issue of Facts Stage premiere gathered a very large audience, who eagerly took back to the antenna of this type of staging. By the end of this year will see further, but unfortunately only two white spots revealing our history - Facts Stage premiere. The first of these is the "Chernobyl. Four days in April," The second performance will be shown until the autumn. This "Kontrym" according to Mark Pruchniewskiego novel, directed by Martin Fischer.

short film trailer spring in the Prime Minister presented the Television Theatre, see below:

Marie A. Roman

[Fig. TVP / John Rich Man]

High Crp With High Esr


welcome today to get acquainted with some of our work in the HDR.

HDR, or photos with a wide tonal range are made from a series of images with variable parameters of exposure. In the majority of only three shots from what 2EV exposure step, there may be a useful feature autobracketingu. The Nikon
step change in exposure can only be set in 1EV, therefore, to select the three approaches (-2EV, 0EV and 2EV), 5 zdjęć.Analogicznie should I do if our HDR will consist of 5 shots, Nikon enabled BKT 9 zdjęć.Oczywiście we should all photos complete with tripod. The fact that you can from the hand, but later often takes time to align images (even though the great features of Photoshop-Allign Layers). Sometimes the pictures taken of the hand are not suitable for the connection, you better make friends with a tripod;)

which the composition HDR?
There are many programs that will help us do that.
Photoshop CS3 from version has a module up kit HDR shots. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the effects of his work are quite strange to learn. Better to use PS for final tuning images.
Photomatix is \u200b\u200bone of the first such programs, and also perhaps the most extensive. It features images taken equalizing function of the hand, the function of images and, more recently odszumiania function that allows for getting rid of ghosts in the photographs with moving subjects.
Machinery is an inexpensive and yet gives great results home production program. Annoying it can only be truly turtle slow and sometimes highly exaggerated, comic effect.

All programs allow us to affect the appearance of our work. The HDR photography appears to be two main directions, from the heavily processed images, almost cartoon-like computer graphics rather after pictures are often very natural for first glance like a traditional fotografię.Jak prefer ...? It probably remains the only collection of taste, often depending on the climate and theme photography.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Shellfish Cholesterol

The April rains

spędźmy joint tomorrow afternoon and evening

visit all the shadows of the future lies in one direction

spring we will walk through fields and forests overgrown with ferns

find the April rains

our joy and tears

our whispers and melodies

particles that make up the force

look at the beloved places and find our love

see childhood dreams reflected in the clear waters where once again revived in his silence

in his hands close the evening silence of everyday life

and become the colors of the other

Friday, April 15, 2011

What To Gift In A Traditional Lebanese Wedding

first media reports about the project:)

Being halfway through our workshops, the project became interested in the media. Less than a handful of links to publications about our project:

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Is The Nursing Nln Test Hard

III workshops

further behind us already, III workshops. This time closer to przypatrywaliśmy the map, topographical signs, przeliczaliśmy scale and wondered why it all is! How to get out into the woods and not get lost? How to measure the azimuth and follow him? How to find midnight without a compass? How to interpret the bubble levels? Youth
reacted spontaneously to another job and thanks to excellent cooperation flew the next class as a storm. We are also pleased surprise reporters from the television - tv Basin. Made a part of the material, which will be published after the race on May 13, when it created the second part of our project reportarzu "I like BO."