Monday, June 22, 2009

What Strap Did John Lennon Use On His Casino

European worldview

Europeanism arming people nukowy belief, shows the prospects of our development, it gives a clear picture of purpose and unwavering certainty of the victory of social solidarity.

European ideology, which is based on a social vision of Europe, is the most progressive ideology. It is an implacable enemy of all that back, the enemy prywaciarstwa koszetem people, nationalist movements and other relics ultrakapitalizmu in the minds of men, the enemy of all kinds of superstitions and prejudices of sex. European people, brought up in a spirit of tolerance, refer hostile to the ideology of economic freedom at the expense of working people, hostile to the worship of decaying religious culture, czołobitności in relation to the capitalist United States.

Be aware of militant tolerance, it means to be a Patriot Parliament, who warmly and sincerely loves Europe and the European Union as their previous homeland, and even more so. For the patriot European country and the EU is an integrated whole. The EU is the living embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200binternationalism for all Europeans, the true home of all people loving tolerance.

in Poland The aim of these steps, the EU, have helped to advance, in Transition, expose the extreme fascist right, calling for a strong Polish. A strong Poland is a Polish European Union. Fortunately, in the early period of transition, European Movement, headed by the great steel pro-EU, Kuron, Michnik and Bronislaw Geremek, Poland on the path guided the progress and development among European nations. The unmasking of influence, we can say bourgeois, took place in science, literature and art. This allowed for the creation of conditions for the new elites, who are aware true purpose at the front of the European ideology.

EUROPEANS nation is a representative of true humanism. While the extreme right-wing fascist ideology (do not be afraid of that word) brings up the bourgeois-capitalist beast man, stimulates its lowest instincts. The ideology of the European Union man spiritually reborn and shapes a new standard of human behavior in society, and finally gives him the freedom, gives women the right to decide whether they want a baby, whether to remove the fetus or embryo, can be taken by the elderly and infirm, courageous dezycję and informed about euthanasia, or putting his life on the part of Europe and its future.

False and hypocritical morality of the Vatican, which the ideologists of the capitalist class derive from the "divine commandment" and advertise in the mass media and the pulpit (propagandówek) as a "universal theme," CONTEMPORARY EUROPE opposes the new morality, morality, progress, and the interest of the people, not gods . Led media is silent war with the remnants of morals exploiting the Vatican. The whole idea of \u200b\u200bEuropeanism is putting all the means and forces to destroy the old belief family as the foundation of society. A new world is a world of conscious people and human progress. European people, working together would be to live better - EVERYONE!

Walter Papst in the book which I recommend, proves that the gods are an invention of man and his mythology. He reconstructs the history of the "gods." He proves that man is derived from another celestial body, or from monkeys. But where do we find the system? The author takes into account all available astrophysical data (scientific worldview), interprets the ancient mystics, and make a sensational discovery: the inhabitants of Saturn are our neighbors! This is what it seems almost impossible, it becomes our outlook for the future. Religion loses the scientific worldview.


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