Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Which Fondant Does Buddy Use?


Anna Adamczyk (Poland). Coach PSPiA KLANZA second degree, Master of Physical Education, certified teacher, a second degree of professional specialization rehabilitation and counseling
in court, housemaster at the Youth Centre in Warsaw social therapy. Since 1997 he has been leading workshops and classes on pedagogy circus. The founder of a group of circus "Circus" in the MOS in Warsaw.
Workshops: "Fundamentals of handkerchiefs and juggling balls" (playing with props, juggling teaching methodology, information about their own experiences in the pedagogy of the circus.)
Klaus Scheuermann (Germany). Social educator, graduated from colleges
in Nuremberg and Glasgow. Additional qualifications earned in the fields of Management and Social Dynamics Group. Klaus Scheuermann is a trainer, performer and author of numerous publications on the pedagogy of the circus, and in particular the use of poi.
Workshop: "Working with poi" (the participants learn the basics of using poi and then two choreographed by the concept of figure - Name - Record the basis of the concepts of the progressive model of learning to dance with poi).
Grazyna Chmielowicz (Poland). MA Cultural and educational pedagogy, sport instructor, a graduate of National College of Julinek circus. To 1995. Circus artist - an employee of ZPR "Polish Circus." For eight years the employee Municipal Cultural Center in Grand Dobrzeniu. Founder of children's circus groups "CUDAKI" at the GOK in Dobrzeniu Great. He also conducts workshops in the field ogólnocyrkowe juggling, ekwilibrystyki throughout the Polish.
Workshop: "Fundamentals of juggling and ekwilibrystyki" (playing with props, ekwilibrystyki base, learning to juggle three props.)
Ilya Landsberg (Germany).
Workshop: "Methods of teaching circus in working with people with disabilities" ( show job opportunities method of teaching circus with people with special needs, to present methods and props used in the operation of the above mentioned persons, including : to juggle scarves, balls to walk, balls, scarves animation)
Eve Dembek (Poland).
Workshop: "Fundamentals of acrobatics" (warm-up exercises, the pyramids in pairs and groups of individuals)
Jon Skjerning-Rasmussen (Denmark).
Workshop: "Science juggling as a metaphor for learning" (in the context of school juggling three props participants seek answers to the questions: What can be learned from juggling, which can be used, transferred from juggling and applied in other aspects of their lives, whether they have the courage to make mistakes, how to effectively use the least amount of energy and effort to succeed.)


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